/ AISAP 2024 Recap: Insights, Connection, and Enrollment | Ravenna

AISAP 2024 Recap: Insights, Connection, and Enrollment

June 28, 2024 | read
Aisap Blog 2024

Our team from Community Brands gathered at The Grand American Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah, from June 23 to 26, for the AISAP Annual Institute’s event, which is the only gathering focused solely on cultivating world-class admission and enrollment professionals.

Community Brands Set Up at AISAP 2024

Picture of onsite team: Tia Carley, Kate Corbett, Carrie Lenzen

At AISAP’s Annual Institute, attendees elevated their expertise and learned how to thrive in today’s dynamic enrollment landscape. Participants immersed themselves in unique experiences to experience the power and synergy of belonging to a global independent school admission and enrollment community.

Community Brands was a Platinum Sponsor at this year’s event to build business relationships and gain valuable facetime with over 350 independent school admission and enrollment management leaders from around the world.

The Education Solutions team at Community Brands was the sponsor of the Tuesday evening event at The Leonardo, where attendees got to pay tribute to the spirit of the Renaissance Man, Leonardo Da Vinci.

The conference featured a diverse track of presentations for attendees’ benefit. One notable keynote was Michael Tatonetti, Founder and CEO, Pricing for Associations, and his session titled, “How to Reimagine Your Value Propositions.”  He shared his insights with attendees on how to catch an audience’s attention and connect with them more deeply. Attendees worked through the five levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and learned how to connect them to their value propositions for their independent schools.

LEAP Presents Projects and Adds New Members

During the event as well, members of the Leadership in Enrollment and Admission Professionals (LEAP) presented their projects during the general session on Wednesday. Education Solutions’ team member Shana Abner, Senior Manager of Product Marketing, was also newly appointed to serve as a new LEAP program cohort for the 2024-2025 school year.

“I am excited to be a part of the LEAP program. I look forward to the sharing of knowledge and experience, supporting professional growth, and fostering a culture of excellence within this dynamic admissions community,” notes Abner.

Learn more about AISAP’s LEAP program here.

The Future Role of AI in Helping Schools Reduce Repetitive Tasks

One of the most impactful takeaways from the sessions and discussions with fellow attendees was the importance of authentic storytelling in admissions and enrollment management. In terms of the future, the key focus was how to incorporate AI into the admission process.

Rebecca Mendoza, Senior Director of Marketing, from the Education Solutions team reflected, “Everyone was interested in the role of AI and how it can help relieve some of the repetitive office tasks, like creating transcripts and summaries from applicant interviews.” Enrollment professionals at the event were also focused on retention strategies that could incorporate  DEI initiatives.

The Community Brands session was led by Shana Abner and Rebecca Mendoza from the Education Solutions team presenting the session, “Hand in Hand: Powering the Relationship Between Enrollment and Marketing.” Attendees learned how to leverage their existing technology to create a collaborative strategy for both the enrollment management and marketing departments to drive top-of-funnel growth.

The AISAP Annual Institute remains the only gathering focused solely on cultivating world-class admission and enrollment professionals. Reflecting on the community connection during the event, Abner said, “The most meaningful part of the event for me was reconnecting with old colleagues, the closing circle, and of course, leading our session about the relationship between marketing and enrollment management.”

Abner’s co-presenter from the Educations Solutions team, Mendoza, also noted the enthusiasm of event attendees, “I really enjoyed presenting our session about how enrollment and marketing can work together to drive the school mission forward and engage with current families and new families in impactful ways. We had an audience comprised of both enrollment and marketing professionals who were deeply engaged and conversational about the strategies we presented.”

We are so grateful to have been a part of the AISAP Annual Institute and thank all attendees, partners, and organizers who made the conference a success! The admission and enrollment professionals were so inspiring to meet and hear from in person, and the knowledge shared during the event was invaluable for all who attended.  

Are you ready to streamline your enrollment process? Our comprehensive Enrollment Checklist is designed to help you navigate the busy enrollment season with ease. Download this valuable resource for a smoother, more successful enrollment season.


Nettie Reynolds

Nettie Reynolds

Nettie Reynolds serves as Senior Content Strategist for Education Brands. Prior to this role, Nettie was the Director of Development for Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School in New Braunfels, TX. She is a committed parent and supporter of private schools.

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