/ Feeder Schools | Admissions System | Ravenna Solutions

Welcome, feeder schools!

Ravenna is a web-based admission system that allows students and families to efficiently apply to PS-12 private schools.

If students at your school are completing their applications through Ravenna, you can upload admissions-related documents through a Ravenna Repository account. Please read below for details and for the link to sign up for your free account.

Manage your outgoing admission files

With our Repository account, you can easily view the students submitting applications to Ravenna schools. As parents/guardians request report cards, transcripts and/or other records for our schools, you will be able to track submission and receipt of files.

Upload files individually or in bulk

Easily upload individual files for a specific student, or bulk scan and zip files to our electronic clearinghouse for bulk processing.

Know when your files have been received

Each school acknowledges receipt of the files you upload. Never worry if an envelope got lost in the mail or slipped behind a desk.

Sign up for your free account

Sign up for your free Ravenna Repository account now.

Support or Help

Contact us
Feeder schools: Ravenna-CustomerCare@venturedsolutions.com