/ K-12 Trends report toolkit | Ravenna Solutions

K-12 Private and Independent School Trends: How are schools managing every stage of the student lifecycle?

Just as a school year has a predictable winter break, pep rally schedule, and coffee-fueled admissions season, each student follows a predictable path through the student lifecycle. And while each student is certainly unique, there are typical challenges and exciting opportunities all private and independent schools face alongside this journey. 
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We surveyed over 300 school decision-makers for our 2022 K-12 Trends Report on how schools are managing these challenges during student search, admissions, enrollment, financial aid, student management, communications, and advancement within their schools.  

Report | Videos | Webinars | Infographic | Blog

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Education ​Brands’ 2022 K-12 Trends Report

The study surveys the landscape as well as current and longer-term trends among independent, parochial, and boarding schools. The results track the student lifecycle, how schools were impacted by COVID-19, lessons learned, and what schools are planning for the near future.   

For this research report, VenturEd Solutions collaborated with Edge Research in February 2022. 


Fluctuation in budgeting, financial aid awards, tuition, fundraising, enrollment, and retention are just some of the pain points we examined through our research. View a snapshot of what our respondents had to say about these higher-priority parts of the application, enrollment, financial aid, and tuition pay phases of the student lifecycle.  


Webinars on the 2022 K-12 Trends Report 

Take a deeper dive into the report in these webinars for even more insights that you need on how other schools are operating in this current climate and how they are best positioning themselves to better inform your future growth-driving decisions. 

Watch to learn more about: 

  • Schools’ most important goals and priorities in 2022 
  • Contributing factors of attaining and retaining students 
  • How schools are looking to make technology investments to increase efficiency and better engage families 
  • How to analyze your data to uncover gap plan opportunities 
  • And more! 
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Snapshot of the 2022 K-12 Trends Report 

The stats in this infographic provide deeper insight into the people and moments that profoundly impact each stage of the student lifecycle. Take a look to discover more. 

More on the 2022 K-12 Trends Report from our Blog 

The research shows there are immense opportunities for schools to further understand data and effectively use technology to impact every stage of the student lifecycle. When schools have the tools and the budgets they need in place, they can focus more on successfully fulfilling their missions. 

Read more about what our respondents had to say about technology’s influence on the high-priority pieces of the student lifecycle. 

How Technology Can Impact K-12 Admissions


Using Technology to Assist the K-12 Student Search Process

Retain to gain blog

Opportunities in Every Stage of the Student Lifecycle

K12 _Lifecycle_Blog